Executive Retained Search
Senior Vice President/Vice President.
Executive/Senior Directors.
Direct Hire
Senior Manager.
Manager/Team Lead.
Individual Contributors.

Areas of specialty
- Human Resources.
- Learning & Development.
- Talent Acquisition.
- Compensation & Benefit.
- HR Systems.
- Data Analytics.
- Administrative.
- Marketing & Communications.
- Information Technology.
- Program & Project Management.
- Contracts.
- Procurement/Supply Chain.
- Accounting & Finance.
- Capture Management.
- Business Development.
- Proposal Development.
Consulting Services
Looking to build, mature, transform, automate, or otherwise optimize your company internal recruiting department? We can help you by assessing your current state and offering our recommendations based on your company’s needs to include:
- People: right sizing your department with perm vs contract staff, appropriate levels of recruiters and recruiting support.
- Processes & procedures: cross functional workflow
- Tools: define the right tech stack for your sourcing, candidate engagement, selection, and hiring needs.
- Vendor relationship: management and cost negotiation
- Data Analytics: how to measure efficiency and effectiveness